Online Learning: Compassionate Boundaries - Care for Yourself and improve Your Relationships with Karin Calde

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Online Learning: Compassionate Boundaries - Care for Yourself and improve Your Relationships with Karin Calde


Boundaries are an essential part of self-care. Even when we know what boundaries are, it can be challenging to know how to communicate them and to work through the blocks that might be holding us back. In this class, you’ll get a clear definition of what boundaries are, when to know when you need to communicate them, and how to do so with compassion.

About the workshop host:

Karin Calde, Ph.D., CPC, is a former therapist and current relationship coach. She helps women take their relationships to the next level so they can finally experience the love and connection they really want, whether they’re dating, or looking for better relationships with their current partner, family, friends, or with themselves. She also has a podcast, Love Is Us: Exploring Relationships and How We Connect. Karin lives in the Pacific Northwest area of the USA.

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