Heiter Session: Natural Cures for Winter Blues, Seasonal Depression, and Nasty-Weather Colds with Jules from Urbarium

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Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-10 um 22.04.40.png

Heiter Session: Natural Cures for Winter Blues, Seasonal Depression, and Nasty-Weather Colds with Jules from Urbarium


€39 are about GBP33

For this heiter session we’re going to meet on the 24th of October at 7.30pm UK time | 8.30pm CET (on zoom). Discover science-based herbalism and practical advice with Jules Sentman, a pharmacist-turned-naturopath and medical journalist.

As the days grow shorter, skies turn grey, and cold breezes blow, the onset of autumn and winter can be mentally challenging for many of us. While our souls soak up the brightness of summer, the colder months can leave us feeling weary, heavy, and occasionally sad. But even when the skies are grey, our minds don't have to be.

In this session, we'll explore the balancing power of natural remedies and organic compounds found in local European herbs. We'll discuss how these herbs affect neurotransmitter levels, improve and stabilize mood, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system through specific rituals.

Bring along a pen and paper for notes. If you want to join the live herbal workshop, have a mortar and pestle ready, along with herbs like balm and St. John's Wort, and a bottle of gin or vodka (no, we're not getting drunk ;)). Once you book the class, you'll receive a chart with herbs and their specific applications. Pick 3-5 that resonate with you and bring a small amount (a handful) to the workshop to experience the art of herbal composition firsthand. The herbs can be dried or fresh.

This session includes a presentation, a brief individual Q&A, hands-on experience, and a tea ceremony.


Jules Sentman grew up observing and learning from her blind grandpa, the village herbalist, in a small village in the Palatinate region of southwest Germany. This early exposure to aromatic and medicinal plants sparked a lifelong fascination and motivated her to pursued studies in pharmaceutical botany and pedagogy, but after a few years in a sterile pharmaceutical job, she transitioned to teaching at a high school.

Balancing family life and a job involving hundreds of students, Jules decided to combine her passions for pharmaceutical herbalism and education. She has vreated a vibrant online community and blog, and now runs an herbal online school. Additionally, she writes for naturopathic magazines and appears on screen for health shows.

Please note that you will receive a zoom in a separate email prior to the session. The session will be recorded and shared with all ticket holders and Heiter Society members.

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