How I overcame feeling lonely whilst working from home
Excerpt of a recent heiter newsletter by heiter founder & editor-in-chief Katharina
I got off the latest Heiter Society networking call last week and I must say, I was so happy! When I decided to start the exclusive community membership for our readers earlier this year, I wanted to create something that made me feel less alone. I wanted to build something where I knew I could connect with others and give like-minded people the opportunity to connect too. Basically hoped to create something that strengthened the feeling of connection and thus, brought more Heiterkeit to me and others. Friday was yet more proof that the society delivers just what I had aimed for, and far more than I had initially expected.
During the call on Friday it once again became apparent that the members of The Heiter Society have surprisingly similar values, but also struggles, as I do. They are authentic, kind and creative. They’re open about what they’re going through. We had conversations about running our own businesses, the advantages of having the flexibility to move our working hours around when necessary but also downsides like an irregular income. We talked about how following one’s heart and making decisions that feel right can work wonders and how we find creative outlets, even time is often limited. Parenthood was also a topic: we talked about our individual journeys, internal and external expectations and how looking after ourselves has an impact on our roles as parents.
It felt good to speak freely about those things and share: I left the call inspired, grateful and most importantly, heiter.
The other parts I really enjoy about the society are the sessions held for the members, and the feeling of joy that seems to bloom in everyone whilst attending them. In my everyday life, I tend to forget about making time for moments of creativity as well as pacing myself, so with the regular sessions in place, I have an excuse to immerse myself in creativity or mindfulness and it feels great! The business sessions were created to reduce the ongoing noise when it comes to business advice, take away the pressure and most importantly, help the business owners within the community to focus on the parts of their business that (can) feel good. I personally found them immensely helpful and feedback showed that all those who attended did too. I am excited for the upcoming sessions planned for the coming year. Are you too?
Be heiter, Katharina x
Katharina Geissler-Evans is the founder & Editor-in-Chief of heiter. When she doesn’t work on heiter content, she finds joy in styling herself and her home, writing and consulting with independent lifestyle and fashion brands who would like to improve their online presence. Together with her husband and their two kids, Katharina currently lives in Austria.
Image: Chris Montgomery via Unsplash
The Heiter Society - become a member now
By introducing The Heiter Society we, here are heiter, have tried to expand our reader’s experience by offering alternative ways of finding joy. By organising workshops, co-working and networking sessions, we offer them an online haven where they can try out new creative and mindful activities and connect with like-minded people.
Sounds interesting? Then we’re inviting you to join now and instantly benefit from monthly workshops, a lovely community and depending on your level, advertising opportunities for your independent business. Discover all details here.