Simple moments to comfort and nourish: tips on how to take care of yourself
We all know how the turmoil of the world can overwhelm us. Current society obliges us to rush our pace and beloved activities are sacrificed. The sensitive members of society, who are mostly creatives and dreamers, tend to absorb such emotions, often leading to anxiety. Therefore, it is crucial to cultivate simple moments of self-care. Not only do they benefits us, but also the people we surround ourselves with. There are numerous practices and rituals that we can integrate into our daily life to maintain our general well-being.
My favourite moments to ease and nurture my soul are small, but intentional. They help me strengthen my creativity and well-being and are easy to organise. I want to share a few with you today and hope you can incorporate them into your routine, if they aren’t already. These suggestions will reduce the stress you may have.
Cook Your Food
We cook less and less due to deadlines and the general hustle and bustle of modern life. Instead we choose fast food or pre-made meals. These meals however, are not healthy, and are mostly devoid of the right calories and nutrients we really need. Consider cooking a meal, even just something basic. Many people actually find cooking therapeutic and that it can give a sense of achievement.
Eat Breakfast without Thinking about Chores
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but it can be so much more than just a “good thing to do”. Try to focus on the experience, taking in the aromas, flavours, and textures. Do not rush through it. Enjoy the magic of morning whilst your brain wakes up slowly. You will be more prepared to face your tasks throughout the day.
Go for a Walk
Fresh air does wonders for both mind and body. Go for a walk around a park or garden, paying special attention to your breath, and try to release the nervousness that is consuming you. By deeply and calmly inhaling and exhaling, refreshment will fill your lungs and you will feel revitalised.
Learn to Say No
Various people struggle to set boundaries. The inability to say no comes from a fear of being disliked or rejected. It is however imperative to do so in order to avoid feelings of anger, as well as sorrow. Remember that those who truly value you will not like you any less because of it.
Light a Scented Candle
Candles provide a cosy atmosphere and can be calming. Try lighting a scented candle, sit cross-legged, and close your eyes. Visualise a colour that brings you peace and dive into it until your thoughts are silent. Stay in this state of mind for some minutes and enjoy the peace and quiet.
Revisit an Old Project
Is there a project you love dearly but feel has been in the drawer for too long? Perhaps it is embroidery, a novel, or a painting. Give your devotion to it one evening and continue your piece. You deserve to fulfil your wishes and will be surprised how quickly the passion for the project will return once started.
Turn off the electronic devices and put them away. Snuggle under a blanket and sit by the window. Observe the sky. Notice the gentle movements of the clouds. Find the moon and name the constellations.
Write Something You Are Grateful For
Pull your journal from the desk and write a poem or sentence dedicated to something you are thankful for. Is it a person, a place or perhaps a season? Let your heart pour onto the page. Your sentiments need to be expressed.
We are pressured to be productive at all times, but this is neither healthy nor realistic. Do not feel guilty or selfish when you set aside hours for yourself. You and your bliss matter. Self-care, amongst other things, helps avoid angst, burnout and depression. Not only that, but it contributes to better concentration, energy, and happiness.
Images& words: Raquel Dionísio Abrantes
Raquel Dionísio Abrantes is a writer from Portugal. She has a Bachelor's Degree and Master’s Degree in Cinema from Universidade da Beira Interior. Raquel gave a Master Class in Writing of Scripts about Narrative Structure. Her writing has been published by Write or Die Tribe, Better Than Starbucks, New Hand Lab, The Fictional Café, and Black Flowers, among others. She writes for Read Poetry and O Cipreste. More about her work can be found on Instagram, @woodland.poem.